Jimihen!! Jimiko o Kae Chau Jun Isei Kouyuu
The story follows Rena Yukuhasahi, a reserved office lady and Ryouhei Hachiya, a businessman and fellow colleague. Yukuhasahi appears to be the most reserved girl in the company, but becomes a super beautiful woman when she dresses up. Flustered in the presence of her transformed self, Hachiya insists on taking her out, only to find themselves in front of a love hotel.
- Year: 2021
- Country: Japan
- Genre: Animation, Comedy
- Studio: Tokyo MX
- Keyword: love, romance, slice of life, based on manga, hentai, anime, mature romance, erotic, sex, animefesta
- Director:
- Cast: Mahito Kawamura, Usa Fujisaki, Hibiki Nanashino